Sunday, September 4, 2016

Thoughts on my first two weeks

The first two weeks of my practicum experience have been exciting, fun, and exhausting to say the least. I was thrilled to find out I would be working at Hunters Green Elementary for a second time and even more thrilled when I found out that I would be working with a pre-k teacher. The class I am working in is small, The first day I started (Tuesday) only 2 of 4 students were present. It was not until the third day (Thursday) that we had a full class. In the days that we did not have a full class we combined with another pre-k classroom in order to have circle time and allow the children time with other students. I have spent these past two weeks mostly as an observer. I watch the students and their routines, watch how my PPP teaches, watch how to conduct circle time, and other transitions; there is a lot to take in. I am in awe of what a different world EELP is compared to kindergarten. I was aware there would be differences but I do not think I was completely prepared how different it is. The differences are numerous but not overwhelming, I like them actually. There is more creativity in pre-k, more freedom in what is taught and how to teach it. Pre-k is more about getting students ready for academics rather than actually focusing on academics. I love that it is more play orientated and that students are encouraged to learn through discovery, play, and socializing. The population of students I am working with is also quite different than what I am accustomed to. The students in Ms. Maloney's class are all developmentally delayed. Only one of the students talks frequently, while the other 3 students are still developing communication skills. They all require intense one on one attention and are much more delayed than I have worked with in the past. Because of their delays Ms. Maloney uses a lot of technology in  her classroom that I have never seen in use before. Her class is full of communication boards, big mac buttons, ipads, sensory materials, and much more adaptive technology that I am so excited to begin working with. I think Ms. Maloney's classroom will offer a lot of growth in my teaching practices and can expand my knowledge on many subjects I do not have much experience in but have always wanted to learn about. There are so many things I am already learning and I can not wait to continue this year to complete.

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